Benefits of Pole Walking

Benefits of Pole Walking…

What Walking Poles can do for you…

Walking Poles not only make walking more beneficial but they actually take less effort to use and are easier on our bodies than regular walking.


We use less than 50% of our major muscles when we walk without walking poles – when we use fitness walking poles we use over 90%. In doing so we spread our weight out helping to lessen the load with which we hit the ground by 26% – making a big difference for those people who have back, hip, knee, ankle or feet problems.
Not to mention walking with poles while we walk naturally aligns our spine and strengthens our core with each step – helping us to walk, stand and sit taller.
We also don’t have to go as far or work as hard when we are using walking poles we increase our cardio by 20% and our calorie burn by Up to 48% without any more effort!
. . . What more could you want?

OH! – and you can do it in less time too

30min of Pole walking is equal to 50min of regular walking.

It’s one of the most beneficial and rewarding activities you’ll ever do!

Even with Fibromyalgia, Shoulder, Hip & Foot Challenges, I can go for Miles without Any Pain!

I have suffered from fibromyalgia for over 15 years. I’ve gone from being physically fit to physically stagnant and unable... View Article


Even with Fibromyalgia, Shoulder, Hip & Foot Challenges, I can go for Miles without Any Pain!

I have suffered from fibromyalgia for over 15 years.

I’ve gone from being physically fit to physically stagnant and unable to exercise due to pain in my shoulders, hips, and feet. My mother gave me Walking Poles (she’s 89 & Pole Walks, but that’s another story!) for my 57th birthday.

Gradually I started using them for a block at a time.

Two months later, I Pole Walk every other day and go for miles without any pain. In fact, I have very little pain at all! The Poles actually absorb some shock to the legs and hips and also exercise my arms.

I haven’t felt so good since I was 30 something! I recommend Pole Walking for everyone who wants to get a full body workout!

Janice – age 57
British Columbia – CA